Naturopathy consultations are conducted online only.
Telehealth Initial Consultation - 60 minutes
During your initial consultation, we will create an extensive case history to determine an overview of your current health status as well as deep diving into your presenting complaint. We will address personal and family medical history, lifestyle and environmental factors, a dietary and nutritional analysis and we will also review relevant body systems.
You will then receive your individualised treatment plan within 24-48 hours which will include the health goals we will be working towards, dietary and lifestyle recommendations, referrals for any relevant testing and any prescriptions of supplements or herbal formulas.
Telehealth Return Consultation - 45 minutes
As the Naturopathic treatment is progressive, treatment strategies are in-depth and must be monitored and reviewed to ensure you are receiving optimal support. This session is an opportunity to fine-tune and make any changes to your individualised treatment plan and to follow up on any relevant results.
The follow-up consultation will be four weeks after the initial consultation.
Telehealth Acute Consultation - 20 minutes
Designed for acute conditions i.e. colds/flu, urinary tract infections etc. This can also be used if wanting to check in with your practitioner between consultations or if needing a prescription refilled (must be within 2 months of return consultation).